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We need you to contact your elected officials about public health bills being heard in the AZ Legislature.

HB 2442: “An immunization for which a United States Food and Drug Administration emergency use authorization has been issued is not required for school attendance.”

This legislation prevents the health department from ensuring the safety of schools during future outbreaks. Eliminating the option of a vaccine that does not exist sets a troubling precedent. This type of legislation will impact our state’s response to future outbreaks of potentially dangerous diseases, and it leaves our schools and our kids uniquely vulnerable.

SB 1146 SB1146, SB1648 and HB2406 propose authorizing labeling for livestock in cases where mRNA vaccines are not used to inoculate livestock against disease.

This legislation could lead consumers to falsely assume that livestock treated with mRNA vaccines are less healthy and could undermine public perceptions about vaccine safety in general, putting us at greater risk for outbreaks of human disease at a time when our state cannot afford to face a public health disaster. Nationally, childhood vaccination programs over the past two decades have saved 1,000,000 lives and over 2 trillion dollars in societal costs.